JNews 10.0.8 Nulled - Newspaper Magazine Blog AMP Theme ⋆ ThemesUK FREE Download

FREE Download JNews Nulled Wordpress Subject is a theme studied to provide an entirely-in-one solution for every publishing need. With JNews theme, you can explore dateless possibilities in crafting the best fully-functional website. JNews Wordpress Theme, We provide 150+ homepage that perfect for your News website, Magazine website, Blog website, Editorial site and for entirely kind of publication internet site. Too provided automatic import feature to replicate one of the demos you like just aside one click.

JNews Wordpress Theme Changelog

              V10.0.8              - [IMPROVEMENT] Add Twitch social source - [BUG] Fix home plate URL with Polylang plugin - [Pester] Fix Image CLS issue - [BUG] Fix JNews - Block Link Element issue - [BUG] Fix JNews - Migration Newspaper non pull some fields - [BUG] Fix no cooky soar upwards emergence - [BUG] Fix product image go away when use JNews - Podcast plugin - [BUG] Fix table text-align issue - [BUG] Kettle of fish unable to exchange class template issue - [BUG] Fix WPBakery Backend not showing - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - Essential v10.0.4 - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - Extended Category Option v10.0.2 - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - Frontend Translation v10.0.0 - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - JSON LD Rich Snippet v10.0.1 - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - Newspaper Migration v10.0.1 - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - Pay Author v10.0.3 - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - Podcast v10.0.2 - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - Video recording v10.0.3                              V10.0.7              - [IMPROVEMENT] Add category template support for Polylang - [IMPROVEMENT] Replace jScrollPane libraries - [BUG] Fix cart picture color connected darkmode - [Hemipteran] Fix wrong home plate url when polylang excited - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - Customize Detail Family v10.0.1 - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - Gutenberg v10.0.1 - [PLUGIN] Update Revolution Skidder v6.5.12 - [PLUGIN] Update WPBakery Page Builder v6.8.0 - [PLUGIN] Update Yellow Pencil v7.5.3                              V10.0.6              - [NEW FEATURE] Capableness to enable/disable ads in taxonomic category posts - [NEW Lineament] Capability to remove ads for subscribe or unlock user - [NEW FEATURE] Override post template by category - [BUG] Fixing Icon Pencil take - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - Essential v10.0.3 - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - Extended Category Option v10.0.1 - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - Paywall v10.0.1                              V10.0.5              - [IMPROVEMENT] Bring hooks to social callback url - [IMPROVEMENT] Minimal brain dysfunction Hypertext mark-up language element to drawer cognitive content - [BUG] Fix Below Mobile Header Menu Background Color publication - [BUG] Fix excerpt showing shortcode - [BUG] Fix prototype upload conflict with litespeed plugin - [BUG] Fix SERP write meter issue - [BUG] Fix toggle release Vafpress issue - [BUG] Fix contraption issue - [BUG] Fix zoom button got readjust when scrolling on ambulatory device - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - Essential v10.0.2 - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - Meta Header v10.0.1 - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - Pay Writer v10.0.2 - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - Podcast v10.0.1 - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - Social Login v10.0.1 - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - Video v10.0.2                              V10.0.4              - [IMPROVEMENT] Add WPML prospect heel counter query - [IMPROVEMENT] Optimized Script Loader to use Exclude scripts from Autoptimize - [IMPROVEMENT] WP Bakery column crack compatibility - [BUG] Bring account Page `get_current_page()` functions hindermost - [Tease] Fix a non-numeric value write out - [BUG] Localisation ajax query duplicate berth egress. - [BUG] Fix Breadcrumb department on RTL mode - [Hemipteran] Fix email share supply - [BUG] Deposit Gallery division on RTL mode - [BUG] Fix gravatar URL in AMP manner - [Glitch] Fix Hero Auction block military issue in IOS - [Germ] Reparation jetpack view counter only returns last 30 days survey - [BUG] Fix missing translation datepicker - [BUG] Fix Make up Writer section on RTL mode - [BUG] Fix random ads put across outcome on elementor mental faculty - [BUG] Locating registration default purpose issue - [BUG] Desexualize Review section on RTL way - [Hemipteran] Fix playscript ads not working connected sticky sidebar - [BUG] Fix shortcode ads issue in hand ads options - [Intercept] Fix friendly dea issue on video recording Wiley Post template - [BUG] Fix Split Post Bottom Sailing subject - [Wiretap] Fix Split Post section on RTL modality - [BUG] Fix video recording playlist embed code issue - [BUG] Fix view counter not update along cached page - [BUG] Deposit opinion riposte notice issue - [BUG] Fix Brave Forecast Cache not working - [BUG] Localisation widget from other plugin subject - [Wiretap] Fix WPForms stimulus select issue - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - AMP v10.0.1 - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - Breadcrumb v10.0.1 - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - Essential v10.0.1 - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - Gallery v10.0.1 - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - Fund Author v10.0.1 - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - Review v10.0.1 - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - Social Share v10.0.2 - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - Split v10.0.1 - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - Video v10.0.1 - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - View Counter v10.0.2 - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - Brave out v10.0.1                              V10.0.3              - [BUG] Fix issue zoom button class forever appears fifty-fifty when the zoom button is disabled - [Badger] Fix speed booster console error, update jquery exclusion to include WordPress 5.6 jquery.min.js                              V10.0.2              - [IMPROVEMENT] Update license system callback for tradition admin url - [BUG] Fix mental faculty view meta issue - [BUG] Fix cautionary PHP acknowledge on page asset loader - [BUG] Fix missing interlingual rendition in catch tabulator plugin - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - Social Ploughshare v10.0.1 - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - Purview Counter v10.0.1              V10.0.1              - [BUG] Fix customzier issue - [BUG] Mending license effect              V10.0.0              - [Brand-new PLUGIN] JNews - Pay Author v10.0.0 - [Advance] JNews - View Counter : Added statistic page to the account page to allow for users to look from there what is popular. - [IMPROVEMENT] JNews - View Counter : Option to set counts interval - [IMPROVEMENT] JNews - View Forestall : Excluding counts from visitors: bots, logged in users, selected substance abuser roles - [IMPROVEMENT] JNews - Watch Counter : Excluding users by IPs - [IMPROVEMENT] JNews - View Comeback : Database queries are regenerated from come up for optimization. - [IMPROVEMENT] JNews - Sight Counter : Added the ability to limit logged data - [Melioration] Sync WPML translated post to the main language counter - [Betterment] Shortcode option in Inline Module Advertisement (Category Ads) - [Betterment] Add bookmark push to Send meta view element - [BUG] Fix Account Page for Multi Lyric or Polylang - [BUG] Fix header permeate issue on WPML post - [BUG] Fix Double Sticky Sidebar proceeds when scrolling up the page - [BUG] Fix custom composition issue - [BUG] Fix lost preview profile picture on edit business relationship form - [Beleaguer] Fix chevron table color happening dingy mode - [BUG] Fix zoom clitoris content issue - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - Essential v10.0.0 - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - Breadcrumb v10.0.0 - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - JSON LD Rich Snippet v10.0.0 - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - View Counter v10.0.0 - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - Social Share v10.0.0 - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - Meta Header v10.0.0 - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - Paywall v10.0.0 - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - Video v10.0.0 - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - Podcast v10.0.0 - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - Johann Gutenberg v10.0.0 - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - Frontend Submit v10.0.0 - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - AMP v10.0.0 - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - Auto Burden Base v10.0.0 - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - Customize Detail Category v10.0.0 - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - Stretched Category Option v10.0.0 - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - Frontend Translation v10.0.0 - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - Drift v10.0.0 - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - Instagram Feed v10.0.0 - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - Tiktok Feed v10.0.0 - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - Like Clit v10.0.0 - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - Bookmark v10.0.0 - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - Review v10.0.0 - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - Nutrient Recipe v10.0.0 - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - Social Login v10.0.0 - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - Split v10.0.0 - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - Endure v10.0.0 - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - Push Notification v10.0.0 - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - Pledge to Download v10.0.0 - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - Jannah Migration v10.0.0 - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - JMagz Migration v10.0.0 - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - Newsmag Migration v10.0.0 - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - Newspaper Migration v10.0.0 - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - Publisher Migration v10.0.0 - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - Sahifa Migration v10.0.0 - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - Soledad Migration v10.0.0                              V9.0.6              - [IMPROVEMENT] Update animated webp - [IMPROVEMENT] Elementor: '_content_template' is deprecated, exercise `content_template()` instead - [BUG] Fix monition undefined index in Elementor editor - [Hemipteron] Fix deprecated block_categories hook - [BUG] Fix module latest altered filter option - [Microbe] Desexualise Dea Title issue - [Microbe] Fix zoom button issue - [BUG] Fix: Undefined power admonitory message in JNews - Essential - [Hemipterous insect] Fix Video Only post format when grouped past View Counter issue - [BUG] Fasten zoom issue on victimisation floating parcel exclude. - [BUG] Absent unfounded featured image faculty picture gallery size option. - [Badger] Fix Main Menu with Gutenberg plugin issue - [BUG] Fix Paywall error along WP Bakery frontend editor - [BUG] Fix Footer Carte du jour in Hunting expedition - [BUG] Fix preview video in post editor (admin dashboard), cannot preview if URL has a parameters - [Wiretap] Fix preview video if is a Universal resource locator (relegate base in admin dashboard, and retard in frontend submit) - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - Video v9.0.5 - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - Paywall v9.0.3 - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - Of import v9.0.2 - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - Instagram v9.0.1 - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - Podcast v9.0.4 - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - Gutenberg v9.0.1 - [PLUGIN] Update JNews - Multi-ethnic Share v9.0.2

JNews WordPress Theme Features

  • Responsive Design. Well-tried connected Google Rotatable Cozy
  • Header Builder with Elastic Preview
  • 7 Footnote Styles
  • 10 Single Web log Templates
  • Side feed Layout
  • Mega Menu
  • 5 Template Split Contents
  • Carefully inspected Tag for shrilling SEO performance
  • Share bar with social proof counter
  • Optimized for Google Page Rush as SEO Signal
  • Internet site schema using JSON LD which is recommended by Google
  • Support SSL & HTTPS
  • Valid HTML checked using W3.org Validator
  • EL Image Fallback to make sure your images have Altitude tag
  • Minified Javascript &ere; Style aside Default (can represent disabled)
  • Super Lightweight Page
  • Inline Agnatic Post
  • Pledge to Download
  • Horizontal Scrolling Mobile Menu
  • Login & Register with Social Media
  • Facebook Instant Clause
  • Social Push for your Social Visibility
  • Social Feed Doohickey
  • Lazy load Image that reduces half of website sized at the first lode
  • PHP 7 Ready to meliorate loading time 2x faster from the senior PHP version
  • Compatible with WP Super Cache
  • Database Inquiry Optimized to reduce question by 50%
  • WPBakery Visual Composer
  • Clean and well-heeled to understand write in code with separate out & action happening each element
  • Marketing referral & associate past integration of JNews Review System
  • Easy integration with Google Ads
  • Responsive Advertisement for both Image &ere; Google ads
  • United Email Subscriber with Widget & Visual Composer Block
  • Support for level ads format with Anchor & Vignette Ads.
  • Very intuitive Live trailer option panel
  • RTL Support
  • Google AMP Musical accompaniment
  • Much 700 options connected Customizer which grant you limitless possibilities
  • Self-loading Import will set u Plugin, importation content, and style to replicate demo completed with uninstall feature
  • Full integration with Visual composer
  • Add Thousands of baptismal font from Google Face, Typekit font Oregon upload your own font
  • Easy Translation using our own easy translation tool
  • Video corroboration access straight from your backend
  • Custom Verandah with Advert

Download JNews WordPress Theme

Note: If you are having trouble with Download FREE JNews WordPress Theme Nulled, try out to disable adblock for the site or try other Browser. If disabling Advertisement blocker operating room change WWW Browser non help to you please contact us.

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JNews 10.0.8 Nulled - Newspaper Magazine Blog AMP Theme ⋆ ThemesUK FREE Download

Posted by: williamsgreedur2001.blogspot.com

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